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Photos drop as Di Asa winner PM caught eating mountain of banku for breakfast

Photos drop as Di Asa winner PM caught eating mountain of banku for breakfast 

- Di Asa Winner, PM, has been spotted with a huge bowl of banku before he

 - It appears she was having the food for breakfast when the cameras spotted her 

- PM is noted for her flawless dance skills and kind heart Our manifesto: This is what believes in A former winner of the dancing competition for plus-size women, Di Asa, Precious Mensah, known popularly as PM has been spotted eating a huge mountain of banku. 

The former Di Asa queen was seen eating the banku with what looked like groundnut soup when she got spotted by the camera. Precious Mensah appeared to be enjoying her meal and herself as she looked on seriously in the huge blow of soup. 

It appeared her mouth was already full as she tried putting more of the delicious food into it so as to finish the food quickly. Ghanaian comedian Ajeezay was seen in the cut so it is yet to be ascertained whether PM was really eating the food all by herself or it was just a skit. 

Ajeezay, who appeared shocked over the mountain of food in front of PM, was seen standing behind her looking bewildered. Another photo saw Ajeezay standing close to PM and looking into the huge bowl of soup as if to say he wanted to join her. 

 Many fans and followers of the plus-size dancer took to the comment section to react to the photos. eviana_gh came in with the comment: "Obi ny3 ne k3sie kwa...Translate that to English" plomo_____ also wrote: "She needs help no be laughing matter" naasei_albert commented: "Akcm ne nkyremu" There were many comments that prove Ghanaians in general 'could not think far' over the quantity of food PM was eating. Meanwhile, Nana Aba Anamoah, the General Manager of GhOneTV has slammed representatives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) over their 'No Bed' complaints. In the past few days, there have been several stories of people losing their lives over the non-availability of beds at the national hospitals in Ghana. \

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