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Man With 2 Masters Is Unemployed, Stands In Traffic To Give Out CV, Peradventure, He May Find Work


Man With 2 Masters Is Unemployed, Stands In Traffic To Give Out CV, Peradventure, He May Find Work

In a Facebook post by Ameko Letsa, he has shared what best shows that, our current leadership have failed the country and its teaming masses of the youth, who believed that, they could lead a real change, that will translate into better standards of living.

He shared the story of a married man, who has been hardest hit, despite frantic efforts to increase in knowledge and become a responsible father and citizen at least. He writes that:

"I met a 37year old man yesterday in Dzorwulu traffic. The man approached my car when the traffic turned red. I rolled down and decided to engage him: He gave me a brown envelop and then the traffic turned green and I drove off.

When I got to my destination, I opened the envelop and found his CV in resume with accompanying certificates. The guy has two masters degrees: MSC in Agric Engineering and MBA in Project management.

So I decided to call him to find out why he is looking for job in traffic. His story was sad: since he completed his second masters degree in 2017, he had not been able to find a job. He has a wife and two sons. His wife also lost her banking job last year. They are just hanging in.

Long story short: I called a couple of friends on the corridors of power and in industry to help arrange an opportunity for him. This morning, I am glad to call him to inform him that one such friend has connected him for job interview at one of our Agric institutions.

It was his wife who picked the call and I could hear her fetching her husband in ecstasy. I was happy for him and I am glad I was able to link him for an interview at least. It is a proud Ghanaian moment for me.

Then I momentarily became sad…

It dawned on me that this is what the young people go through everyday. The frustration is causing us to look for jobs in traffics; and we are often helpless. Everybody is pretending not to be aware of the challenges with youth unemployment.

In this country, you can continue to struggle for opportunities and you won’t find it. One connection to a biiig politician can just turn your life around. This is why many young men are ready to die for their political godparents; their very existence depends on it.

Our systems don’t provide equal opportunity for all: you have to know somebody who knows somebody who also knows somebody at the top. To hell with all your certificates.

We have so much to fix about Ghana. We have a long way to go and we have to put pressure on our people to #FixThisCountry while we make efforts to also #FixOurselves." he wrote.

Clearly, all around the country, the problems of lack of opportunities and finances, coupled with unemployment and largely a broken system in this country in every sector of life, has become the order of the day. Sadly, the issue is a compounding one, as the current leadership, had promised heaven on earth, something, they either never had the will to implement, or are equally incompetent to achieve.

The earlier the present leadership went beyond themselves and seeing the few people around them in their family and friends, to effect real and positive changes in the larger populace, the better for everyone. Hopefully, they have hopes of becoming legendary, then, they will have no option, but to effect real changes or forever, be judged by posterity, for having fine opportunities, especially, in the face of abnormal borrowings.

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