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We Must Have One Unique Music Genre – Shatta Wale To Ghanaian Musicians

 We Must Have One Unique Music Genre – Shatta Wale To Ghanaian Musicians

Dancehall artiste Shatta Wale has identified some major setbacks hindering Ghana’s music from making a global impact and also gaining global recognition.

The artiste, who was in the United States a month ago, upon his return to Ghana on May 24, 2021 held a ‘State of the Nation Address’ on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 to tell Ghanaian music lovers and stakeholders why Ghana is lagging behind on the international music map and also provide the antidote to shoot the the country’s music to global heights.

He noted that, while he was in the US, he was privileged to have business meetings with prominent foreign music investors and his conversation with them brought into his awareness what is missing in Ghana’s music industry.

He stated that one common question he was asked by the investors was what is the unique music genre of Ghana which aroused his interest to hold a nation address to bring to the attention of music stakeholders in the country what they need to do to get Ghana to the top.

”Firstly, one of the things I find to be a major setback in the Ghana music industry is a unique genre that can be solely attributed to us as a people. While I was in the States, I was in business meetings with different foreign stakeholders and investors and one question they all seem to ask was what kind of music do Ghanaians do. And the question was one that kept me thinking, indeed I was speaking with them as a dancehall artiste but they still needed to know the kind of music we do here in Ghana. Basically, they wanted to know what genre we are known for as a nation and that I found interesting,” he said.

Shatta Wale proposed that Ghana should have a single music genre that runs through all various music genres in the country in order to push a common agenda to the world.

”I want to propose that we, as music makers and stakeholders, come together to identify one genre that can be attributed to all music works coming from our part of the world. Let’s do this for our industry to give it the global attention we have long desired,” he insisted.


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