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"Keep Your Plaques When Nominee Don't Attend Awards Night - Mr James Clarke"

 "Keep Your Plaques When Nominee Don't Attend Awards Night - Mr James Clarke"

"Keep Your Plaques  - Mr James Clarke"

Entertainment pundit and journalist, Mr James Clarke has advised that Awards Scheme board should keep their award plaques in the absence of a nominee during the awards night when he or she wins.

He made this submission on Kasapa Entertainment show by Eddy Ray when he was asked on his view on that. 

According to him, after an awards scheme communicate with you as a nominee about the awards night and also give you all information about the awards night and you don't show up or send a representative to replace you on the night and you win, they should not give it to anyone but they should keep it.

"To me if a nominee doesn't show up after an award scheme has communicated with you and also without sending any one to represent you, then it means you don't need  the plaque" 

"It has been the behavior of Ghanaian artists/nominees to not show up for awards shows they have been nominated for, which makes somebody always come and receive award plaques on their behalf when they win" He noted again.

According to Mr Clarke who is also an actor,  its even a sign of disrespect to the scheme which should not be tolerated at all.

He went further by saying that the scheme can even rebrand the plaque and use it for the next time which will even save them cost.

He ended his speech by advising nominees from all angles to adapt to showing up for awards show.

"They must show the platform the respect it deserves by honoring their invitations, especially if they are nominated for awards".


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