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LIST: Ghana Ranked 2nd Highest Porn Watching Country In The World


LIST: Ghana Ranked 2nd Highest Porn Watching Country In The World

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LIST: Ghana Ranked 2nd Highest Porn Watching Country In The World




The West African countries took the topmost positions after PornHub did a ranking of where most of their viewership comes from around the world

Ghana, arguably tagged as the most religious country, if not a Christian county, has surprisingly been ranked as one of the top countries where its citizens are seriously in love with pornographic movies, pictures and skits.

The world leading pornographic company PornHub has released a list of viewers and subscribers from Top 25 countries across the globe that patronize their products. And interestingly, Ghana was ranked second ahead of United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France and many developed countries.

Nigeria came first of this tall list and Kenya took the third position.

North African countries Egypt and Morocco where about 90 per cent of their citizens are Muslims came fourth and fifth respectively to complete the Top Five.

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