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5 Things Money Can Buy


5 Things Money Can Buy

Basically, money can buy you pretty much anything except the things that were mentioned in the other article on 5 things money can’t buy. Really, everything's on the table if you've got the right resources. And your inability to understand this will keep you from achieving your potential in life. Money isn't the goal, it's just the tool that’ll get you close enough so you can conquer it for yourself. We live in a world where everything is for sale and this article seeks to prove that. Below are 5 things money can buy.

1. Time

People love to throw around the idea that money can't buy you time but the truth is it actually can, you just don't know how to do it. We all have the same number of hours in a day but the rich purchase a big chunk of those for themselves not for someone else. You see, the rich have figured out that they can pay other people to do things that’ll cause them to lose time if they did it themselves. It's a very strong concept, which if you want to be successful in life you need to understand. You need to be able to purchase the time of others and use it for yourself. The rich outsource boring and repetitive tasks so they can focus on more important things.

2. A Positive Image

People never look beyond the surface; they just read the headline and form an opinion based on that, that's how the world got filled with fake news that said it is something that the rich can manipulate in their favour. You can use the power of the media to alter the perception of the masses; donate to a hospital but make sure the press is there, donate to a disaster relief and show up to the ground site along with the press and it'll do wonders for your image. Celebrities especially leverage media to their advantage because it allows them to earn even more money in the long run.

3. Health

Money allows you access to prime medicine, to new technologies and give you an edge in fighting chance against all forms of illness. This has become a luxury that the poor cannot afford. The pharma industry across the world is using its monopoly to manipulate the pricing of medicines and unfortunately for the lower and middle class, they might not be able to keep up. If you've got a rare form of illness, you're unlikely to survive it without access to extensive financial resources.

Money buys you prevention as well; you eat better, you live better, you can get a personal trainer and extend your lifespan. As technology improves, money will allow the rich to prolong their lives as much as they want to while the poor will be left to scrap around.

4. Freedom

Money is the ultimate tool of freedom, it grants you access and allows you to move freely. If you have enough money, you can buy your way out of jail; just pay the bail and get yourself a good lawyer who can bend the truth in your favour. You don't like your geography? Buy yourself a new citizenship.

5. More Money

All the things mentioned so far are pretty incredible and you need serious amounts of money to tag off everything on this list but that's the beauty of it. If you already have money, you actually can buy more of it. You just need to learn how rich people use money to buy money. All the time, that's what they're doing when they invest it. Investments are particulars that lead to the increase of your capital, which in turn allows you to make even more investments, which will grow your money even more.

The sooner you understand how this works, the sooner you'll be able to escape poverty. Use your current money no matter how little it is to find ways to make more and then leverage that for even more capital gains.

Thanks for reading. See you in the next article.

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