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God's word: You are free indeed.


God's word: You are free indeed.

John 8:36

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.


You are better than you think you are. As a born again child of God, when you are young in the Lord, you believe you are forgiven. But what God has done for you is better than having your sins forgiven. He has given you a never-ending Jubilee.


In the Old Testament, every 50th year was declared as a year of Jubilee. It was a year of releasing people from their debts, releasing all slaves, and returning property to those who owned it. What Christ gave to us was not forgiveness but remission. He gave us a spiritual Jubilee where our sins were wiped out completely. Every sin debt you ever owed was removed from the books. You were released from a debtor’s prison, and all of your sins were returned to the original owner, the devil.


Forgiveness means you’re not going to jail, but your crime is still on the record books. On the other hand, remission means you’re not going to jail, and there is no record anywhere of you ever having any sin debt. Hallelujah!


Sin is not your property or your problem anymore. It does not belong to you. Jesus has removed it from you and returned it to its owner, and you are free indeed!



My sin debt is canceled, and there is no record of any wrongdoings on God’s books. Sin is no longer my problem. I am free!



Leviticus 25:10; 

Acts 13:38; 

Hebrews 10:18

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