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U/W: Lawra Municipal Assembly to get a Facelift


U/W: Lawra Municipal Assembly to get a Facelift

The MCE for Lawra Hon. Martin D. Bomba-ire was privileged to host the consultant and the contractor earmarked to renovate the Lawra Municipal Assembly block.

The purpose of the meeting was to enable the consultant to officially introduce himself and to also introduce to the MCE the contractor who won the bid for the renovation of the Assembly Block.

The exercise which was slated to take place last year as part of the promises made by the then Member of Parliament, Hon Anthony Abayifaa Karbo during the launch of the Municipal status has been delayed due to procurement process.

The project which is being financed by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development was largely the efforts and lobbying prowess of Hon Anthony Abayifaa Karbo to give the Assembly its real status as a Municipal Assembly.

The contractor is expected to mobilize to site within two weeks.

The MCE urge the contractor not to compromise on quality and work within the stipulated time given to avoid unnecessary complaints and criticisms when the project is finally handed over for work to begin in the next couple of weeks.

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